Custom Mouthguards

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Custom mouthguards. Your best sports protection.

Injuries to the teeth can be painful, disfiguring and costly! Each year too many children and adults injure their teeth during sport, which may have been reduced or prevented with a well fitting custom mouthguard from your dentist.

Mouthguards are shown to reduce the severity and damage caused by a blow to the face. A custom mouthguard made by your dentist at Chermside Family Dental provides important protection to the teeth and jaws of the mouth. This helps to absorb the shock of a blow to the face which otherwise could chip teeth, damage the soft tissues of the mouth, or worse.

Investing in a mouthguard may prevent these costly and difficult treatments required to restore teeth back to normal function and appearance.


Plus the custom sports mouthguard is more comfortable, stays in place well – and perhaps you could even choose the colour! Let us know if you’ve got certain team colours or even a logo in mind. Custom mouthguards are recommended for contact sports such as football, rugby, soccer, martial arts and boxing. You should also consider a mouthguard for sports where contact is likely, such as baseketball, waterpolo, volleyball and hockey.

This website by the Australian Dental Association includes useful information about mouthguards for sport.

How to look after your mouthguard
  • It’s best to wash a mouthguard in cold water after each use. Be careful not to leave a mouthguard in a hot car as you might find it doesn’t fit when you next go to wear it! Your mouthguard is made of a thermoplastic material to fit well.
  • Store your mouthguard in a rigid container, like the container you receive when we make your mouthguard at Chermside Family Dental.
  • Every sports season, check that your/your child’s mouthguard fits and is comfortable. Growing children quickly grow out of their mouthguard!